The following is a transliteration by Sri Ramen Basu of excerpts from Pariciti (pages 38 & 39).
On love Sri Sri Babathakur says: By ‘Prema = Pra +E+ Ma’ is meant the best form of Maa, Madhab, Mahesh, Mahat. That is Absolute Brahman Atman. This is Love of the non-dual. Love of the non-dual is two in One, One in two, One in One and One beyond One. Everywhere One Absolute Brahman Atman or verily Maa, that is, Self Conscious Realizer is graciously present everywhere. By this Maa Revered He has indicated as eternal, everlasting, Consciousness Existence or Being - Saccidananda Itself. She/He may be addressed by any name namely Brahman, Atman, Ishwara, Guru, Ishta, Maa, or Siva Rama, Hari, Krishna, Durga, Kaali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati etc.
Having realized the Self in ‘A-bhedabhed’ with this Consciousness Existence Revered He sometimes out of intensity of Bhakti in a candid way has sung His/Her Glory and the True nature, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Mother, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Shiva, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Guru, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Rama, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Hari, sometimes in the idea and Consciousness of Divine pair . Again, sometimes experiencing Bliss, Love and Wit of the unity and identity of Consciousness of Brahman Atman, that is, being Absolute in experiencing Bliss of homogeneous Bliss, Love and Wit of all-even Reality has wandered in the intoxicated state of Love and Bliss. Then the identity of the Absolute –I or all Conscious Self has been expressed in magnanimous and noble tone in the ever-revealing spontaneous flow. There is none or nothing apart from this Absolute One and also without anybody or anything the existence of this Absolute One is possible. Verily this is indicative of the Highest Realization.
Furthermore, Revered He says: ‘That same ultimate state which can be attained by spiritual discrimination of Knowledge and Yoga of meditation is also possible to attain in and through self-surrender of Bhakti-Yoga.
The realization and manifestation of I-Reality in and through the means for sadhana of spiritual discrimination of Knowledge can also be realized and manifested in and through Thou-Reality by the means for sadhana of Love and Devotion. Fundamentally Absolute-I and Absolute-Thou is One Absolute Reality. According to the mood and sentiments and knack of the mind the sadhana of either Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga are practiced. Therefore, Thou-Reality is within the range of capability of Bhakti and I-Reality is within the range of capability of Jnana. Ultimately fundamental Reality is One and Jnana and Bhakti also are fundamentally One Reality. In general, the means for sadhana of attributeful Reality Ishwara, that is, the means for sadhana of Vijnanamoy Brahman –Atman and the realization thereof depends on Bhakti and the means for sadhana of attributeless Reality without any specialty Param Ishwara or inspissated Wisdom Absolute Atman and the realization thereof depends on Jnana. Par excellence of Bhakti is Jnana and the Science or Right use of Jnana is Bhakti. By Devotion or Bhakti is meant sincere intent, destination, stability and delight towards the eternal, undeviated undivided Absolute and by Knowledge or Jnana is meant the undivided Absolute One Consciousness True nature of Self Conscious Awareness – This is Spiritual Light of Intuition i.e. Prajna Jyoti and the stability in Brahman or Brahmisthiti.’ * *
One of His subject-matter under discussion is Supreme Pure Consciousness. Revered He says: ‘Verily Supreme Pure Consciousness is worthy of being worshipped only. Verily this is the Ultimate Reality. The essence of all sadhana is to adapt, adjust and accommodate to reach (mene maniye chola) this Consciousness as one’s Own in life; that means to use everything in the Consciousness of the Knower (the Witness and Seer). This results in reducing the combined influence of Consciousness and the mind and objects (knot of Consciousness and matter) and in developing Pure Consciousness easily. With the growth of this Consciousness, Self-Knowledge or Love for the Self or Self-Delight dawns. Verily the Self is the Highest object of Love. Verily this Atman is Ishwara, the Self. This Ishwara as the Self is graciously present in all beings. Verily this Self is the Ishwara of all; therefore, this Delight for the Self becomes spontaneous as Love and Devotion. This Love and Devotion is the Philosophy and Science of Realization of Ishwara as the Self in all beings. Hence on attaining Self-Knowledge Love for Ishwara becomes Absolute. Again, when love for Ishwara is Absolute in and through sadhana Self-Knowledge is attained. Both aspects are true. Before attaining Knowledge bhakti is the means for sadhana. It is not permanent then. Bhakti becomes permanent after Self Knowledge is attained. Hence Pure Devotion and Pure Knowledge are eternal companion. Fundamentally both are One and the same. The right use of Pure Knowledge is Love and Devotion and its stability is Condensed Wisdom Absolute (Prajnana Ghana) Knowledge Itself.’
It is true that we get acquainted with all sorts of Reality such as Karma, Yoga, Jnana and Bhakti in His revealed songs, but the fundamental essence of His Realization of life is love, that is, to give away the Self for the benefit of all and to adapt, adjust, and accommodate everything in the entire creation (mene maniye chola) in one’s Own Consciousness. Now one may ask – why should one give away oneself for the benefit of all? His answer in the language of Self Conscious Awareness: ‘Love occurs in even Consciousness, in one’s Own Consciousness, in supreme equalization or in One Consciousness. One exists in many, again many exist in One.’ Revered He says: ‘The divine sports of Love occurs in One, the play happens between two and there is carnival in many. Many are the manifestations of One and One is the substratum of many. In spite of remaining in many the divine sports of Love is experienced from the outlook of One’. To experience the divine sports of Love is the Ultimate and Supreme success in life or Supreme end of life Purushartha – that is His opinion. Unless there is standing in the One without a second Consciousness this divine sports ofLove is not experienced. The divine sports of Love is one’s Own Leela with Itself on the bosom of the Self. This is not the love of dual Consciousness. The delight for the Self is the innate natue of the Self. This delight for the Self is called the union of Brahman with Atman. Revered He has expressed as to Yoga wittily in various fashion as the Eternal Yoga, Mahayoga,Swabhavayoga, the amorous divine sports of Saccidananda, Yoga of Self Conscious Awareness etc. Compiling all His words on this subject matter we would like to publish them later. But that depends on the mercy/ grace of Ishwara. ***
Submitted at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Babathakur
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