Friday, February 3, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Sripanchami issue of e-Sanai


by Sri Sandip Dasgupta

Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!

Welcome to the Sri Panchami edition of our e-magazine. This is the auspicious day on which the Supreme Absolute One decided to come to this mundane world and shower the Knowledge of Oneness on each and every one of us – to prepare us for the forthcoming Satya Yuga.               

During one of our recent satsangs, I asked Ramenda (Sri Ramen Basu) the question: “How can we know if we are functioning in the plane of Absolute Consciousness/Aami Bodh and not using our mind?”. Ramenda immediately referred me to Sri Sri Babathakur’s formula of four A’s (Adaptation, Adjustment, Accommodation and Absolute) and explained it very lucidly to all the participants. The explanation appealed to me so much, that I decided to transliterate his explanation and publish it in this editorial.

a) Start with adaptation – adaptation of our thinking. Remember the Master’s august proclamation ‘All divine, for all time, As It Is’. Try to see the Divine in each and every object, every action around us – that is Aami Bodh, not Amaar Bodh. They are all expressions of the Absolute Consciousness (Please refer to last year’s Saraswati Puja editorial wherein I had stated that everything has “I inside” and is “Powered by I”). Divine action is not for personal gain. It is rather to offer the results of all action to that Divine who has given us the power and resources to perform actions. Remember the Divine before starting any action, and while performing any action, try to attach some part of your mind to the Divine. Think of Karma as “Karo Ma” or that the action is being performed by the Divine Mother. Think of Dharma as “Dhoro Ma” – or hold onto the Divine Mother. This adaptation of external action will help develop our inner faculty.

b) Adjustment of the inner faculty – mental adjustment. While trying to do the adaptation mentioned above, our minds will constantly be fighting our efforts to adapt – through contradictory thoughts. The mental adjustment calls for us to repeatedly state:

-  I am not the body, the body is not mine.

-  I am not the sense organs, the sense organs do not belong to me.

-  I am not the mind, the mind does not belong to me.

-  I am not the prana, the prana is not mine.

-  I am not the buddhi, the buddhi doesn’t belong to me.

-  I am not the Ahamkara, the Ahamkara doesn’t belong to me.

But who am I? That Supreme I-Reality, Saccidananda Swaroop -- and so is every one else! So, you cannot have any liking/disliking when you are functioning in this plane – because liking/disliking is created by the mind. Through this mental adjustment, we learn how to live in this One Consciousness/One Bodh!

c) Accommodation – comes when our mental adjustment is complete and we start living in the plane of consciousness, where Brahma/Atma/Ishwara resides. This is achieved through constant practice after we have begun making mental adjustments.

d) Absolute – to surrender ourselves and merge with the Absolute Saccidananda Sagar. This is achieved through Para Vidya. This is what is mentioned in the Poorna Mantra – we come from the Poorna/Absolute and merge back to the origin/Poorna.

Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!


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