by Sri Sandip Dasgupta
Welcome to the Saraswati Puja issue of e-Sanai. This is the same day on which our Master had decided to take on the form of Sri Sri Babathakur and bless us with His Realization and teachings. So intense was his Love for humanity, that he urged each and every one of us to take steps to attain the same goal of Self-Realization – and He had the following advice for the overseas bhaktas.
Back in 2008, Sri Sri Babathakur had met with a group of overseas bhaktas after the Guru Purnima function in Kolkata. He urged us to start chapters of the society in North America and begin spreading His words. He asked us to start discussion groups amongst ourselves and also to begin the publication of a hand written magazine through which we could all “express” ourselves and engage in spiritual discussions. We translated these discussions into the publication of a blog which would promote these objectives. We even showed him a few drafts of our first issue prior to publication and sought his guidance. As you can see, the whole venture was begun under his direct guidance.
It is now time for us all spiritually minded folks (whether you knew or met Sri Sri Babathakur or not) to step up and begin “expressing” yourself on spiritual topics. We shall all benefit by engaging in these regular virtual discussions. Perhaps some of us have the same questions that you personally may have at some point of time – and you can show us that light. After all Sri Sri Babathakur repeatedly reminded us “All Divine For All Time As It Is”. The Divine that is in you is the same Divine that is within my individual I-Reality. Hence, we should all be prepared to learn from each other’s experiences – because they are all experiences of that same Brahman/Atman/I-Reality.
So, please come forward and share your spiritual experiences with us. It can be as simple as “I read the following article or biography and I felt so and so” – just like we all discuss in detail about every movie we see or after every sports match that we witness. That is the least that we can do to show gratitude towards our Master who put in so much efforts towards showing us the Divine Path.
I would also like to make a couple of announcements:
The North American Chapters of Saccidananda Society will be conducting Satsangs on special days throughout the year. Each Satsang is about an hour long. Several revealed bhajans of Sri Sri Babathakur will be sung, followed by readings from His books. Attendees will use a telephone bridge line for the Satsangs. Anybody interested in attending the satsangs can contact
Mr. Partha Guha (Canada – 416-432-1194) or myself (USA – 408-390-5114) for further
Saccidananda Society, Kolkata has just published their 2011 calendars. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please contact either Mr. Partha Guha (Canada – 416-432-1194) or myself (USA – 408-390-5114) as soon as possible.
Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!
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