by Sri Partha Guha
“I am the centre and cause of all actions and activities around me”. Science of Oneness.
Ever since I began communicating with Sri Sri Babathakur (hereafter referred to as “The Master”), my only question to Him had been – “How can I attain the path of Peace?” Totally exhausted sometimes from trying to overcome the obstacles of life and then applying my judgment and failing further, I was keen to end this mundane life cycle and look for something different and better.
Every time I would approach Him with a problem, He would give me a suggestion or two to help me get over my immediate obstacle. This though would be followed by an immediately reminder that, “This is not a permanent solution, the real solution lies within yourself”. I of course would carefully listen to Him with little or no understanding, and return home content with the notion of at least having received some solution to my immediate challenge. I however did not realize that these problems would manifest themselves again soon in my life as the “I”. What I was preoccupied with was the Kacha Aami (i.e. the “temporary I”), whereas The Master was referring to the Paka Aami (i.e. the “permanent I”). Gradually I began understanding what The Master was trying to teach me. The “temporary I” or the Kacha Aami is all concerning the material world and our ego, whereas the “permanent I” or the Paka Aami is our clear consciousness. The background stays eternally present and we experience all this through our indriyo (senses).
Then another day The Master explained how in our awakened life or behavioral life we use deha (body), indriyo (senses), pran (life), mann (mind), and buddhi (intellect). It works like brain--> mind-->senses. In the visible world, our inner nature works both ways governed by the mind inside to the outside, and reverse. Consciousness is the abiding reality of gross, subtle, subtler manifestations - all this is chaitanya. He then said that consciousness is something we will need at all times. This chaitanya (or consciousness) could either be positive or negative.
I then asked Him a question - “How does the same consciousness appear to be so diversified?” He replied, “The awareness of this is done by the mind, which is the inner sense. Inner sense is divided into four parts – (i) Intellect (buddhi) &(ii) Mind (mann) are at one level, (iii) Ego(ahankar) is on another level and (iv) Citta (mind stuff) which consciousness with objective attitude.”
At that point I asked Him once again how I could attain the Path of Peace and mentioned that I was going away to the mountains to do penance. He said,” Going to the mountains in search of peace is a temporary fix, but if one follows certain rules, one can attain permanent peace.” He continued, “When something starts and ends in Oneness, that is the Path of Peace.”
My learning from all this has forced me to change the way I look at my own life and self. As stated above, I have started training myself to believe that – I am the centre and cause of all actions I take and the activities around me. I have no reason to praise or blame anyone for either my successes or my failures.
The Master, Sri Sri Babathakur attained MahaSamadhi on 9th Nov’09 at his place of abode in New Delhi, India.
( … to be continued)
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