by Sri Sandip Dasgupta
Joy Babathakur!
Welcome to the Sri Panchami edition of our e-magazine. This is the auspicious day on which our Master came to this mundane world with the missionless mission of imparting the Science of Oneness to us in a way that can be consumed by us in the current age (like Lord Krishna referred to in the Bhagawad Geeta – Yada Yada hi Dharmasya). In this editorial, I will dwell into some aspects of this Knowledge of Oneness as explained by Sri Sri Babathakur to his devotees.
· The Science of Oneness cannot be acquired externally by reading books, scriptures etc., because this Knowledge already resides within us and cannot be comprehended by our external senses (all other knowledge can be acquired by using our sense organs).
· The Science of Oneness states that the whole world was created by the Supreme Absolute for playing His Divine game (similar to how we play a board game like Monopoly, where the resources are distributed amongst the players. The resources do not belong to the players. At the end of the game, the resources are collected and stored in the storage box). Our Master has pointed out that we tend to treat these resources like our own and develop a sense of ownership. He has repeatedly asked us to give up the sense of Me, mine and mineness. In His words, these are all imaginary (Anything that is Real must be permanent – and Hence the Absolute is the only permanent entity).
· He has repeatedly urged us to keep in mind what is Real (the Absolute) and remove from our minds:
- Sense of Duality.
- Tendency to find faults in others. Instead we should focus on our own faults to find the path to perfection.
· He has asked us to remember the same Absolute is present in each and every one of us.
· A Sadguru is one who has attained the Knowledge of the Absolute (Just like a Chemistry teacher is an expert in Chemistry, a Physics teacher is an expert in Physics etc.).
· He has asked us to listen (Shravanam) intently to a Sadguru’s words and reflect (Mananam) on them constantly.
· As we develop the habit of constant Shravanam and Mananam, we will be able to unwind ourselves from the external world and move towards the Absolute. It may take many lifetimes to do that – but it why we have been brought to this world.
· As we follow the Guru’s words, the Knowledge of Absolute within us will be revealed to us (It is already present within us as mentioned above; the Sadguru removes the cloud cover of ignorance).
We are so fortunate to have been in contact with the Master and listen to His nectarine words. He has given us the light with which we can remove our ignorance. It is up to us to use that torch and light the Absolute Knowledge within us (similar to drying a log of moist wood – we have to remove the moisture before we can effectively burn the log).
So, why not start (or continue, if you have already started) our journey towards Knowledge Absolute?
Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!